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$350,000 USD Investment in Zona Franca

Investment Opportunity in Zona Franca

Investment in Zona Franca

Invest: $350,000 USD
Earn 15% interest per year!


That’s $4,375 USD per month
or $52,500 USD per year!


Over a 2-year term
is $105,000 USD in Profits!



Loan Details:

Amount Requested:           $350,000 USD
Piasa Evaluation:                $1,100,000 USD (A consulting firm founded in 1971 in San José)
Potential Sale Price:           $1,500,000 USD
Loan-to-Value Ratio:          32% (Approximately)

Term Length:                      24 Months

Land Area:                           3 Hectares
Construction Area:             Available On Request
Location:                              Available On Request


General Information:

A prime land deal that is part of a new Zona Franca (Free Zone). We have all documentation and images upon request.


To promote foreign direct investment (FDI), commercial exchange, and job creation, the Costa Rican State provides the Free Zones Regime (FZ) to domestic and foreign businesses that desire to expand their activities there. The free zone regime comprises a set of incentives created by the Costa Rican government to attract companies willing to commit to a certain level of investment and create employment in Costa Rica.


We understand that limited information has been provided on this investor alert at the borrower’s request to conceal his project’s identity for business reasons. Upon request, all information will be released so you can better understand your investment opportunity fully. We appreciate you’re patience regarding this.


Loan Purpose:

Available on request.



Money lending is a fast-moving business; we need lenders to understand that and make quick decisions. Keep in mind that borrowers may have already applied to other lending companies. Because of this, we try to close loans as fast as possible.

You could grow your investment portfolio with safe, consistent monthly returns by investing in loans provided by Gap Investments.


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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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