$380,000 USD Investment in Nosara
Investment Opportunity in Nosara
Investment in Nosara
Invest: $380,000 USD
Earn 13% interest per year!
That’s $4,117 USD per month
or $49,400 USD per year!
Over a 3-year term
is $148,200 USD in Profits!
Loan Details:
Amount Requested: $380,000 USD
Borrower Price: $1,500,000 USD
Loan-to-Value Ratio: 25.3% (Approximately)
Term Length: 36 Months
Interest Rate: 13%
Land Area: 5,000m2
Construction Area: 257m2
Location: Very close to natural attractions (rafting, hiking, ATVing etc.)
General Information:
- Preapproved by a local bank but needs the funds quicker than they can supply (documents presented on request)
- The credit history of the borrower is available on request as it was part of the bank process
- Inventory list available on request
- Infinity pool and wading pool overlooking gorgeous views
- Deadline to complete build by Mid March to be ready for clients to use
Location Information:
Loan Purpose:
Funds will be used to complete the building process and furnish the property.
Money lending is a fast-moving business; we need lenders to understand that and make quick decisions. Keep in mind that borrowers may have already applied to other lending companies. Because of this, we try to close loans as fast as possible.
You could grow your investment portfolio with safe, consistent monthly returns by investing in loans provided by Gap Investments.
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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)