$350,000 Investment in Barrio Escalante
Private Lenders Investor Alert
“Investment in Barrio Escalante, Francia Park, San Jose“
Earn 13% interest per year
Invest $350,000.00
Earn $3,791.67 per month
That is $45,500.00 per year
It is a 36 – month term loan
That is $136,500.12 in profits
Amount Requested: $350,000 USD
Term Desired: 3 years
Loan-to-Value Ratio: about 45%
Fire Sale Price (GAP’s): $700,000 (price if sold tomorrow) – $750,000 (price within a month)
Land Area: about 265,67 m2
Construction area: about 750 m2
Property Location: Parque Francia, Barrio Escalante
Property Description: This is a 3 story 6 unit, formally residential condos, that is now being used as commercial property and is fully rented with good tenants. This property is family owned with the owner living directly beside the property.
Anyone that knows San Jose, recognizes that Parque Francia is a beautiful high end park with many activities occurring daily, such as live musicians playing, karate classes occurring and generally a great park to just go and relax. The park even has free WIFI, the only one we know of in Costa Rica.
It is surrounded by great restaurants and bistros. It is a very safe and secure location. The reason for all this is that Johnny Araya (Mayor of San Jose) took a liking to this particular park area and wanted to make it a shining example.
Prior to that, the park was completely remodeled in 2006 with the help of the French Government and the municipality of San José.
Here is link to photos of the park (google): http://goo.gl/fDwvPU
If you are interested in Investment in Barrio Escalante, CLICK HERE
Do not miss this chance – CALL NOW +506 4001-6413
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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)
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