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$325,000 Investment in Playa Hermosa

Private Lenders Investor Alert


“Investment in Property Construction in Playa Hermosa”

Earn 14% interest per year

Invest $325,000.00 

Earn $3,792.00 per month

That is $45,500.00 per year

It is a 36 – month term loan

That is $136,512.00 in profits



Amount Requested: $325,000 USD

Term Desired:  3 years
Loan-to-Value Ratio46% (until competed and then reduced to 42%)
Fire Sale Price: Currently $700,000 ($750,000 when completed in 2 months)
Home Dimensions: 410 m2
Land Dimensions: 1000+ m2
Property Location: Hermosa Beach
Property Description: This is a renovated Luxury Air BnB property with 16 rooms and full baths located in a gated community in Hermosa Beach. This property has excellent interior decor with luxury finishings. It will cater to the wealthy clientele that prefers amenities such as full-time personal staff, tours, airport pickup, and hourly shuttles to nearby attractions in Jacó Beach.

Note: Reservations for the property have already started for December 2018 and 2019.

This borrower’s company has over 7 years of experience in Costa Rica. They have a proven financial track record with an annual income almost equal to the requested loan amount.

This is a second request from a month ago. This is simple, the lender that was interested was unable to get the amount needed to complete the home. Work has continued, increasing the property’s value and reducing the amount required by the borrower.

We recommended that the borrower increase the interest rate as it is the second request.

With an INS appraisal of $900,000 upon completion and borrowers’ average annual bookings equal to the loan amount for the last 7 years.

If you are interested in Investment in Playa Hermosa, CLICK HERE

Do not miss this chance – CALL NOW +506 4001-6413

Money lending is a fast-moving business, and we need lenders to understand that and make quick decisions. Keep in mind that borrowers may have already applied to other lending companies. Because of that, we try to close loans within a few days. (If we don’t, the competition will!)

Make safe, consistent returns by investing in Costa Rica each month by making a home equity loan in Costa Rica secured by a mortgage.






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Do you want to borrow money? CLICK HERE.

Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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