$80,000 Investment in Santo Domingo, Heredia
Private Lenders Investor Alert
“Investment in a charming property in Santo Domingo, Heredia”
Earn 15% interest per year
Invest $80,000.00
Earn $1,000.00 per month
That is $12,000.00 per year
It is a 36 – month term loan
That is $36,000.00 in profits
Amount Requested: $80,000 USD
Term Desired: 3 years
Loan-to-Value Ratio: about 44%
Estimated Value: $175,000
Land Area: about 262 m2
Construction Area: about 212 m2
Property Location: Santo Domingo, Heredia
Santo Domingo is a charming town that is surrounded by beautiful landscapes. It’s just a few minutes south of the city of Heredia and not far from San José, making it easily accessible.
The buildings and homes in Santo Domingo de Heredia feature classic Spanish architecture and historical designs. The residents have restored the town to its original glory. The churches are breathtaking examples of 19th-century construction. It’s a delight to walk the streets exploring the old homes to imagine what life might have been like in the early days of Costa Rica.
Property Description: This property is located just 1 block from the town center and central church. It contains a modest-sized family home that has the following amenities:
– 1 large patio with a lovely garden
If you are interested in this Investment in Santo Domingo, CLICK HERE
Do not miss this chance – CALL NOW +506 4001-6413
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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)
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