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$400,000 USD Investment in Arenal

Investment Opportunity in Arenal: Hemp Farm

Investment in Arenal

Invest: $400,000 USD
Earn 15% interest per year!


That’s $5,000 USD per month
or $60,000 USD per year!


Over a 3-year term
is $180,000 USD in Profits!



Loan Details:

Amount Requested:           $400,000 USD
Property Valuation:            $1,421,319 USD (Independent Appraisal)
Loan-to-Value Ratio:          28% (Approx.)

Term Length:                       36 Months
Interest Rate:                       15%

Land Area:                           12 Hectares 
Construction Area:             542 m2
Location:                              Arenal Volcano is in eyeshot of the property


General Information:

  • After the appraisal provided above, they invested 500k+ in infrastructure
  • Flat and fully permitted hemp farm operation
  • Evaluation and permits and more available upon request


Arenal offers all the amenities of a town despite being in a rural setting and the ability to live a wonderful rural life. Fertile soil, tropical climate, and abundant rainfall make it perfect for agriculture, enhancing farming in volcanic regions such as this. Magnesium and potassium, for example, are two elements that tend to be abundant in volcanic deposits. These components are released as volcanic rock and ash weather, creating exceptionally productive soils. Arenale Lake provides abundant irrigation water, which is ideal, making the region productive for agriculture.

Arenal has been growing and flourishing throughout the last decade, with the lake, volcano, and tall trees in the background providing a picturesque setting for its many gated communities.


Loan Purpose:

The borrower is looking to continue to expand their hemp business.



In the distant future, the borrower would like to obtain a 1.5 million bank loan to adequately complete the expansion to produce hemp blocks (for construction).



Money lending is a fast-moving business; we need lenders to understand that and make quick decisions. Keep in mind that borrowers may have already applied to other lending companies. Because of this, we try to close loans as fast as possible.

You could grow your investment portfolio with safe, consistent monthly returns by investing in loans provided by Gap Investments.


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Article by Glenn Tellier (Founder of CRIE and Grupo Gap)

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